Plant-aholic's Delight presents:
Available plants:
Lamium galeobdolon subsp. Montanum “Florentinium” $10 per flat
Heuchera “Violet Frost” $7 per 2 gallon pot:
Euphorbia (species unknown): GOPHER Purge: Perennial plant grows to 3 feet tall, and gophers HATE it! I plant some with all my fruit trees and ornamentals, use it in the back and sides of flower beds, and it really does keep the gophers out. The milky sap is highly alkaline; when gophers break the roots, it gets in their fur and is really nasty for them to clean off, so they avoid it.
2 gallon size $ 5 >>>>> 3 gallon size $6
2 gallon size $ 5 >>>>> 3 gallon size $6
Chasmanthe $10 per 5 gallon pot: